Family Pic 2010

Family Pic 2010

Monday, September 29, 2008

Our New Place

This is our new home in Grand Blanc,
It is actually a condo, but it feels like a home. It is very roomy and it has a 2 car garage, I love it!! Because it is a condo all of our lawn care is provided and also snow removal. (which if you know anything about Grand Blanc we get lots of snow) We have a porch in back and a big finished basement.
I will take pics of the inside in a bit but for now its a work in progress.


Todd and Heidi said...

Your house looks great! Isn't it so nice to have more room? I am the same way about all the projects that I want to do. There just isn't enough time or money to do everything.I am glad that things are going well for you guys. You have such a great attitude about everything.

Tara Mogle said...

Hey Jenny, it's been a long time! So glad life is getting back to normal for you and your family. So fun that you have a house...not an apartment. We feel the same way about not having enough furniture to fill it! Have fun decorating!
loves Tara
oh, I went to dinner with Savannah a few weeks ago and it was so fun to catch up with her....and get updates about everyone else. keep in touch

valerie said...

Cute house!! I still can't believe that I had no idea you were moving to GB until I saw you walk into church. Crazy!!