Family Pic 2010

Family Pic 2010

Monday, January 19, 2009

Winter is here to stay!

Oh where has my Beautiful Green Michigan gone?
When we arrived here a few months ago I couldn't believe how pretty it was. There are ponds and lakes everywhere. It is Green and Beautiful and there is so much to do outside. We were able to go to the lake and play in the water and sand. Go to the park, on walks, and so many other things. But winter is here and the snow has completely taken over. We have been stuck inside the house trying to find projects to do and games to play. The snow keeps coming and the old stuff isn't melting so it just keeps piling higher and higher. All through out our neighborhood there are mounds of snow in everyones front yard. I am going out today to get some pics so you can see what I mean. Its crazy!! In Utah we got lots of snow but it would melt, not here! We just keep getting more and more. And the temperature keeps dropping. I was watching the news the other night and it was -2o with the wind chill. They even had to cancel school because it was so cold. Something just isn't right about these temperatures. Oh how I wish we could go out and play and go on walks and go to the park.... Michigan winters are pretty brutal but we are now half way through January and we are making it a day at a time.


Melissa said...

I know! Brutal is a good word. That's why I am going to start building stuff... like a headboard for my bed and bunk bed for the girls... want to join me?

valerie said...

The summers in Michigan are beautiful. But the winters are as you said it BRUTAL. I need spring!!! NO MORE SNOW!!

Danette said...

Way to stay positive about it. It's not the snow that bothers me as much as the grey skies day after day. Plus, who can go outside and enjoy the snow when the temps are always in the negative? I can't imagine all of you with little ones being couped up in the house all the time. Do they have a play area at any of the malls??
I love all of your crafts, and I REALLY want one of those carmel apples!

Hall Family said...

I'm so behind!! Forgive me!!! Oh it sounds bad...just like iowa last year. I heard it got to -50 (with or without windchill...dont' knwo) there in iowa, i can only imagine for you guys! I hope you guys are still surviving the indoors! You'll have to post pics of the kids soon, I'm sure they've both changed so much since the last pics I've seen of them!