Family Pic 2010

Family Pic 2010

Monday, October 12, 2009


I was at this really neat store her in town and I saw these butterfly kits and decided to try one out. We got the it and ordered some caterpillars on line, they came within a couple of days and our journey began. There were 5 caterpillars in a plastic container with food already in it (we didn't have to do anything just watch) It was so fun to see them getting bigger and fatter daily, it was literally amazing! The first stage lasts about 2 weeks then one by one the caterpillars crawl to the top of the jar and spin into chrysalis. Its fun to watch them because they are very still but they are moving inside,very cool, this stage also lasts about 2 weeks. Then you have to pin the chrysalis to the side of this net cage so when they hatch they can fly around. We never really got to see them come out of their chrysalis which was a bummer every time it happened it was during the night, so we would wake up and have butterflies. The kids loved it and Brian and I were just as excited as the kids.
We took them outside and released them after having them for about a week in their cage, it was so much fun! I am excited to do it again next year.
I would highly recomend this activity!

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