Family Pic 2010

Family Pic 2010

Friday, April 17, 2009

Happy Birthday!!

Braden got to celebrate his Birthday twice in one week, what a lucky kid! He was actually sick on his birthday but we still had a little cake and presents. I had to bake a quick simple cake for his real birthday because I had been working on a Volcano cake and I wanted to save that for his party. We had lots of fun baking lots and lots of cake! Ever since we went to Utah he has been obsessed with Volcanoes and Dinosaurs so we had a dinosaur party for him. We actually celebrated both Braden and Ashley's birthdays on the same day, it was really nice. I made Ashley a Sheep cake and it turned out so cute! We had a few of Bradens friends over and we played Lava, popped some balloons with prizes in them then had cake and ice cream. The final addition to Bradens cake was some whipping cream for smoke, it made all the difference and it was lots of fun. Ashley had a great time picking off the marshmallows and chocolate chips from her cake. I really cannot believe how fast time flys, I say it all the time...I cannot believe I have 2 kids and that they are growing up so quickly. I still feel like I am a teenager, its really crazy. 
I love these two little munchkins and there daddy so so much. 
Braden got a remote controlled car and Ashley got a baby doll set with the stroller and car seat and all that fun stuff. It is really amazing to watch Ashley, she is so girly. She loves to carry around dolls and animals, she also loves to carry around blankets and she is so loving. It is amazing how different kids are. 


Tara Mogle said...

Yeah! I am so glad you posted. Your kids are getting so big. They are both so cute. You are so creative with your cake ideas. They turned out super cute!

So how are you guys doing out there. Surviving the cold winter??? Love to hear from you. And you look fabulous!
Love ya

Hall Family said...

Oh what fun! I can NOT believe Ash is walking!!!! And Braden!! He looks so much older!!! He's a little boy!! NO baby about him!!! Happy birthday to the kiddos!! :) Miss you guys!

Maxfield Family said...

I wish we could have made it to the party. McKinley was looking forward to it. It looks like it turned out to be a lot of fun. The cakes turned out really cute.